Ilmu Sosial dan Budaya

- Indonesia

Dean: Drs. Novi Prihananto, M.Pd., Ph.D.

The Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences (FISB) UNIGA Malang has 2 study programs, namely:

  1. English Study Program
    Head of Study Program: Drs. Tri Wahyu Nugroho, M.Hum.
  2. Psychology Study Program
    Head of Study Program: Moersito Wimbo. W, S.Psi., M.A
  3. Communication Science Study Program
    Head of Study Program: M. Asnan,M.I.Kom


English Language Accredited by BAN-PT with a grade of "B".
The English Language established in 1987, provides opportunities for high school graduates and its equivalent to earn a bachelor's degree in English language and literature.
Besides being equipped with the ability to speak and write English as well as linguistic and literary knowledge, students are also equipped with the English skills needed in the world of work, including: Business English, Practical Secretary, English for Hospitality and Tourism (English for Hotels and Tourism), English for Banking, and Translation and Language Teaching Methodology (Language Teaching Methodology).
The teaching staff consists of lecturers with Masters (S2) and Doctoral (S3) degrees who graduated from top universities abroad and within the country. Graduates of the English Language major have worked in various fields in government and private agencies. Some of them work as civil servant teachers, local government employees and lecturers at state universities, embassies and other government agencies. While private companies have recruited them, for example: banks, hotels, tourism, private universities, English language courses, export and import companies, translators and editors in publishing books and newspapers, TV stations, Production Houses producing TV soap operas, mining and NGOs that cooperate with foreign parties.

Link :


The Psychology has been held since 2003 and has accredited by BAN-PT with a score of "Very Good".
Learning is supported by qualified doctoral lecturers (S-3) who are not only academically competent, but also professionally experienced in practice. With complete facilities, this major continues to develop and innovate in responding to all the challenges of the job market and stakeholders.
Psychology is the science and art of behavior, and mental processes has almost no limits in its application. Graduates can take part in a very wide range of professions. Human Resources Development Officer, Public Relations, Public Speaker, Human Resources Trainer, Behavior Analyst, Therapist in Individual, Group and Social Interventions, Educational Counselor, Career Counselor, Teacher, Job and Person Analyst, Personal and Organizational Consultant, PNS, Study Teacher , Counseling Teachers, HRD Managers and officers, Recruitment and Selection Supervisors, Trainers and Public Speakers are among the professions that have undertaken by 95% of the alumnus of Psychology. Graduates of this program earn a Bachelor of Psychology (S.Psi.).

Link :


The Communication Science began organizing academic activities since 2016/2017, and has received a GOOD accreditation from BAN-PT in 2020.
With the vision of becoming a Study Program that excels in research in the application of Communication Studies in the industrial revolution 4.0 era to produce cultured and global-minded graduates in 2026, the Communication Science Program has three specializations broadcasting, public relations, and tourism communications. Learning is supported by qualified lecturers in the fields of Communication Studies 4.0., and professional practitioners in order to bring in graduates who are competent, competitive and ready to enter the world of work in the fields of broadcasting, public relations and tourism.
The learning process is built through an academic atmosphere, conducive, simple, challenging and creative and facilitated by photography laboratories, audiovisual laboratories, computer laboratories and other supporting facilities. In supporting the learning process, the major collaborates with various institutions, such as Productions Houses, Survey Institutions, SMEs, Government Institutions, Tourism Bureaus, TV Stations, Print/Online Media.
Careers for Communication Science graduates include: Broadcaster, Journalist, Announcer and Presenter, Master of Ceremony (MC), Public Relations Officer, Government and Private Public Relations Staff, Event Organizer, Marketing Communications, Photographer, Editor/Content Creator and many others.



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