Teknik dan Informatika
- Indonesia
Dean: Ir.S.B.P. Handhajani, M.T.
UNIGA's Faculty of Engineering and Informatics (FTI) has 5 study programs, namely:
- Mechanical Engineering Study Program
Head of Study Program: Agus Sudibyo, S.Pd., M.T. - Electrical Engineering Study Program
Head of Study Program: M. Nur Sulaiman, S.T., M.T. - Information Systems Study Program
Head of Study Program: Rizqiyatul Khoiriyah, S.Kom., M.Kom. - Industrial Engineering Study Program
Head of Study Program: Ayudya Mahendaringratri, S.T. M.T.
FTI Vision
- Objectifying superior and quality faculties in the development of science and technology and competent human resources, professionals in the field of Engineering and Informatics, uphold moral values, and ethics, and can compete at the international level.
FTI Mission
- Organizing quality education and teaching in engineering and information systems to produce graduates who are competent, qualified, ethical, able to develop, accepted by society, and have competitiveness up to the national level.
- Carrying out research in engineering and information systems capable of supporting the development of critical thinking skills, analytical and beneficial for the development of institutions and the environment.
- Helping the wider community to make positive use of technology to increase productivity and efficiency.
- MOrganizing faculties based on the principles of good governance.

The Mechanical Engineering program established in 1995, and brought in graduates who spread throughout the country and have careers in various fields, including civil servants, military, BUMN, and entrepreneurship.
Learning is supported by qualified permanent lecturers and comfortable laboratory and study room infrastructure. Learning is carried out using a competency-based curriculum. The curriculum of this program is oriented towards the field of Energy Conversion which includes: Renewable Energy, Thermal and Fluid Machinery, Engineering Mechanics, Structural Dynamics and Statics, Fluid Mechanics, Fuels and Combustion Engineering, and also includes Military Defense (Missils, Propellant, Torpedo, Weapons, Mortars as well as Ammunition ).
Job prospects for graduates cover the fields of Industrial Manufacturing, Workshops, TNI, Structural Consultants, BUMN, PNS, and others.

The Electrical Engineering Study Program has been held since 1997 and is accredited B by BAN-PT.
Learning is carried out by qualified permanent lecturers and is supported by electrical engineering laboratory facilities and comfortable learning infrastructure. The competency-based learning curriculum of the Electrical Engineering Study Program is oriented towards Industrial Energy System Design, Instrumentation Electronics, and Informatics Telecommunications, which are implemented in the Manufacturing and Telecommunications Industries.
Graduates of the Electrical Engineering Study Program have had careers in various fields of work including the household electronics industry, the television broadcasting industry, government employees, lecturers, entrepreneurs, electrical engineering consultants, and electrical maintenance.

The Information Systems Study Program has been held since 2003 and has accredited by BAN PT with a "B" grade.
The Information Systems Study Program aims to bring in computer graduates capable in developing information systems and computer software, especially Internet and mobile technology. Learning is carried out by qualified permanent lecturers, including Doctoral qualifications in Information Systems. Learning is facilitated by programming laboratories, computer network laboratories, and database laboratories.
Graduates of the Information Systems Study Program hold a Bachelor of Computer (S.Kom.) degree and have career opportunities as programmers, information technology managers, information technology consultants, information system designers, analysts and administrators, computer network administrators, information technology trainers, and others.
Graduates of the Information Systems Study Program have worked as information technology specialists, managers, and software developers in various government agencies and private companies, including PDAM, and PT. Gudang Garam, hospitals, SMKN Teachers, Telkomsel, T.I. Consulting Companies, and others.
Link: si.unigamalang.ac.id

The Industrial Engineering Study Program began to develop in 2018 based on the Decree...
Industrial engineering is a management science that examines and implements work design in a production economic environment. Industrial Engineering manages human-machine relations to produce optimal industrial system performance.
Industrial Engineering Program focuses on three groups of expertise, namely, Industrial Management, Transportation and Logistics Management; and Industrial Information Technology. Learning is carried out by qualified permanent lecturers in the field of industrial engineering.
The Industrial Engineering Study Program aims to produce graduates who are ready to work and have careers in production management, production quality management, transportation and logistics management, and management of information technology for production.