Ekonomi dan Bisnis

- Indonesia

Dean: Dr. Martaleni, S.E,M.M.

The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNIGA Malang has 3 study programs:

1.Accounting Study Program
Head of Study Program: Dra. Fahmi Poernamawatie, M.M.

2.Management Study Program
Head of Study Program: Drs. Gendut Budi Wahyono, M.Si.

3.Development Economics–Banking Study Program
Head of Study Program: Dra. Sulistiyanti, M.E.

Vision of the Faculty of Economics and Business:

    The realization of a Faculty of Economics that is qualified and able to compete at the national level in the development of knowledge, education and information technology-based learning by upholding ethics and morals in the fields of Economics and Business.

Mission of the Faculty of Economics and Business:

  • Organizing quality education and teaching in economics and business to bring in graduates who have integrity, competence, independence, ability in science and technology, ability to cooperate and uphold ethics, as well as adaptive to environmental changes and competitive nationally.
  • Become a research agent to develop and disseminate knowledge and practice in economics and business through research activities that benefit the environment and society.
  • Become a partner for the business and industrial world (DUDI), community organizations and the government through community service programs to carry out noticeable activities in the economic and business fields based on science and technology and based on local wisdom to increase productivity, empowerment and welfare.
  • Performing an organization that refers to the principles of good governance.


The Accounting Study Program is the oldest study program, established in 1980, and has accredited by BAN-PT with a "B" grade.
The lecturers of the Accounting Study Program have high competence and dedication and have Masters and Doctoral degrees in Accounting. A number of Accounting Study Program Lecturers are also practitioners in accounting and taxation, managing partners at public accounting firms and business practitioners, holding Tax Consultant certification from the Ministry of Finance.
The teaching and learning process is carried out interactively, and supported by accounting and taxation computer laboratory facilities and the Accounting and Taxation Development Center. To improve the competence and experience of graduates, the Accounting Study Program has collaborated with various institutions (government and private) for the implementation of internships and professional work lectures as well as other competency improvement activities.
The Accounting Study Program has produced graduates who have careers as internal accountants, public accountants, auditors, financial analysts, accounting information system developers, management consultants, tax consultants, accountant educators (lecturers and teachers), and many other career fields. Many alumnus of the Accounting Study Program work in the private sector, the education sector (teachers and lecturers), BUMN/BUMD, banking, public accounting firms, tax consultants, tax offices, government, insurance and independent entrepreneurs.

Link: akuntansi.unigamalang.ac.id


The Management Study Program established in 1980, has contributed optimally by producing graduates who are competent in managerial and entrepreneurship, creative, professional and competitive.
Learning academic standards are always being developed and improved. The learning process is fostered by lecturers with Doctoral qualifications (S3) graduates at domestics and abroad and is supported by Management Laboratory facilities in the fields of Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Operations, Finance, and Human Resources.
Many graduates of the Management Study Program have had successful careers as management consultants, professionals and executives in private and state-owned companies, academics, and independent entrepreneurs who build companies and create jobs.

Link: manajemen.unigamalang.ac.id


The Development Economics Study Program has been held since 1987 and is accredited "B" by BAN-PT.
The Development Economics Study Program organizes a competency-based teaching and learning process. Learning is supported by banking laboratories and econometric laboratories so that graduates have competence in national development economics, especially the Islamic and conventional banking industries. The learning process is also supported by banking practitioners, economists, successful entrepreneurs, and successful alumnus. Lecturers of the Development Economics Study Program are academically and professionally competent. A number of permanent lecturers of Study Programs have Doctoral qualifications (S3).
Graduates of the Development Economics Study Program have acumen in economic analysis and can provide solutions to various economic problems critically, creatively and innovatively to help create national prosperity. The alumnies of the Development Economics Study Program have successful careers as economic analysts, development bureaucrats, banking experts, non-bank financial experts, economic statisticians, and independent entrepreneurs.

Link: ep.unigamalang.ac.id


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